Archive for category coupons

better late than never

It’s been a crazy month. Heck, it’s been a crazy several months. A good kind of crazy but crazy nonetheless. Lots of activity – so much so that I barely had time to put up any Christmas decorations (the tree didn’t make the cut this time around) and realized about a week ago that I hadn’t even considered what to do about Christmas cards this year. With 1 niece and 2 nephews not living anywhere nearby (Hawaii!) and not really having any good recent photos of them, I struggled with whether or not to do a photo card this year. But came across an amazing bargain and COULD NOT pass it up. (You know I can’t pass up a good deal) Starting a couple of months ago, it was posted all over several of the ‘savings’ blogs I follow and wondered if it was still good so I began my order Sunday night. The deal was 50 custom photo cards for free – just pay shipping. I gave it a shot and what to my wondering eyes should appear?! But the deal was still good and I gave a loud cheer!!! 😉

So, instead of a Christmas card, I opted for the Happy New Year card. Hoping to get them addressed and in the mail either tomorrow or Saturday. Just doing my part to make the season last as long as possible!

And if you want to check out the deal, they have other themes/designs besides the holidays (birthday, seasons, baby, etc) . Give it a shot! You too might get 50 photo cards for $6.47 (and that was for 2 day shipping!) The site is SeeHere. Upload your pics, design your card, add them to your shopping cart and apply the code newbaby before you check out.

And to top it all off, they really didn’t cost me anything since I was able to use my Paypal account and had a small balance from taking surveys at a couple of sites! Woo hoo!


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